Hi everyone!!
we're here in svalbard! staying in longyearbyen. we're having a GREAT time so far! we did a saftety training course today. we had to learn all about polarbears and how to protect ourselves from them without hurting them unless really needed. we wactched while they fired all sorts of guns, it made us all jump! we also did water safety training which meant swimming in the arctic sea!! Because its a bit cold we had giant orange dry suits (like bubbles!) to keep us warm! they went all sucky inny on you!!! it was lush becasue it has been all beautiful and sunny all day so the water was all blue! we havnt managed to get a present yet for mr. rusty but we'll try tomorow!!
for more info about our trip you could try the iceedge blog which is : www.iceedge.wordpress.com
we'll write again from the boat which we are catching tomrow night!!
You can see more picture of us swimming in the sea on the Edge website
Hi Guys,
Glad you're having a great time out there.
Take plenty of pictures, because we're all dying to know what you're all up to.
Take care, and have fun,
Sally (From Catalysis - Edge's PR company)
Hi guys, great to hear from you. Hope you took photos of you all in the sucky in suits. Why not put them on the blog!!!!
So what colour are the parkas?
Hallam, it's your turn to do the washing up.
make sure you don't forget my pressie - else you're not allowed to come home.
Wow! We saw you all on the tele this morning. Well at least I guess we saw you in amogst the group. It's a little bit difficult to see who's who in the orange suits. The trip looks even better than any of us could have imagined.
Hmm! Light blue not orange.
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